OpsBridgeChange Intelligence

Enhance your security with our AI-powered fraud detection

Change Intelligence provides AI-powered real-time monitoring and fraud detection to ensure your Salesforce operations are secure and compliant. It segments metadata and extends audit log storage, enabling proactive identification and resolution of potential risks.

Opsbridge: Change Intelligence Features


  • Metadata Segmentation: Organize and manage metadata for improved security and efficiency.
  • Audit Log Storage for Extended Periods: Store audit logs beyond Salesforce’s standard limitation of 6 months, ensuring compliance and long-term data retention.
  • Production System Monitoring and AI-powered Fraud Detection with Alerting: Leverage artificial intelligence to detect and alert on fraudulent activities in real-time, enhancing operational security.


  • Enhanced Security and Compliance: Improved security posture through detailed metadata management and extended audit log retention
  • Proactive Fraud Detection: Real-time alerts on fraudulent activities, enabling swift action to protect organizational assets
  • Long-term Data Retention: Compliance with regulatory requirements by maintaining audit logs beyond standard limitations
Opsbridge: Change Intelligence Benefits